Regulatory Compliance

The business student turned up to class - and while waiting for the lecture to begin - thanked the professor for assisting the previous week where the definition and broad-brush risk issues were…

The Injured Attendee

I was running a public training course on business improvement and wanted to run an interactive case study on disputed contract variations. To do this I broke the class into two teams and asked them…

The AFH (Attendee from Hell)

I make a living from business consulting and facilitating award higher education courses and seminars for executives. I enjoy my work. My consulting keeps me current and provides case studies for my…

What Is A ‘Concept Campus’?

It has been a long-held activity by supermarkets (for example) to establish a ‘concept store’ – trialling new ideas and products – once tested if found to be successful/popular, are then rolled out…

Adult Learning Focuses On Problem-Solving

Commentators, including Malcolm Knowles, have proposed seven principles of adult learning. Two are relevant to what I am writing about today, that adult learning focuses on problem-solving and adults…

Orientation – Often More Than a Small Step

Orientation is often more than just a small step – it is often a giant leap if the truth be known. For undergraduate students, it is often a huge jump from school days. There is considerably more…