Essential Ingredients for Effective Online Teaching and Learning
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Essential Ingredients for Effective Online Teaching and Learning

In order to develop and maintain high-end online learning and teaching it is important to consider a range of key elements that work together (in synergy) to ensure that courses are delivered to a high level of student satisfaction and that quality is ensured.

Four key considerations are -


Academic Integrity

At the heart of all online delivery is the issue of academic integrity. Face-to-face classes have a degree of integrity built in as a result of the physical interface with students and the opportunity to observe them doing their work and assessments. There is considerable opportunity to reinforce the fact that students must be honest and avoid the temptation to copy or cheat in the assignment space. Online – where students are less known to the professor – requires additional safeguards in place. Proctoring and invigilation become critical.

My own School has in place a robust approach to academic integrity – the approach and processes have been refined.

Academic Integrity at UBSS -


Online Resources

The provision of suitable online resources is fundamental. The teaching resources provided - accompanied by the eLibrary resources accessible - become essential to effective teaching and learning.

In many ways, the pressure of COVID had some positive spinoffs. One such improvement was the development of digital resources including enhanced subject outlines, more fulsome presentation packages and a consolidation of support materials and readings located in one place.

Designing learning content -


Student Interface and Experience

Developing opportunities for student interaction with both the professor and fellow students also becomes essential,

Strategies for engaging students -


Risk management and mitigation

Identifying the risks associated with online teaching and learning and developing the necessary strategies to mitigate these risks becomes critical.

My own organisation has in place a quality risk management register that highlights key risk elements and suitable mitigation strategies –

GCA Risk Register -

Online learning opens delivery both nationally and internationally. It provides the opportunity to perform on a grand scale – but with the opportunity comes considerable responsibility and challenge.


Emeritus Professor Greg Whateley is the Deputy Vice Chancellor of UBSS and the Chief Executive Officer of GCA