Attendance Management
Attendance Management
Attending class regularly is one strategy to maintain satisfactory academic progress. UBSS recommends you attend a minimum of 80% of all classes during the trimester.
Attending class regularly is one strategy to maintain satisfactory academic progress. UBSS recommends you attend a minimum of 80% of all classes during the trimester.
Importance of attending class
- You have the material summarised and explained by the lecturer;
- You have the opportunity to ask the lecturer questions if you do not understand the ideas and concepts presented or covered in the readings;
- You will be given learning exercises or practice tests to do in class – this is a good way to learn the subject content and discover what you know and need to improve on;
- You will meet other students in class, and you can help and learn from each other - you might even become friends!
- The lecturer will give hints on the exam content towards the end of trimester!
- Regularly attending and participating in class shows that you are a serious and genuine student.
What is class participation?
- Reading the material BEFORE the class to ensure you are familiar with the content, taking your own notes as you read;
- Asking questions in class if you do not understand the material presented;
- Completing any homework or tasks assigned by the lecturer before the next class.
- Listening to the lecturer for the whole class and remaining in class for the three hour block
- The more you read, do homework, participate in class, the more familiar you will become with content, which is a strategy to help you pass.
Importance of buying the textbook/reading materials
- Relying on Moodle notes is not enough to pass at the higher education level!
- Purchasing the text book is much cheaper than having to pay for the subject again if you fail it, because you didn't have the textbook to prepere for the exams and do the homework during the trimester;
- The lecturer will NOT photocopy the whole textbook or its chapters and place them or Moodle or hand them out to you. In Australia we have copyright laws that prohibit this;
- You need to read the textbook chapters thoroughly as part of class and exam preparation
- The textbook is the core text - the lecturer will use it to prepare exam and other questions
- You will also be expected to read other materials in addition to the textbook to give you differing viewpoints and to develop your critical thinking
- See if your textbook is available as an ebook - it will be cheaper as an ebook
- Check the textbook exchange website to buy second hand textbooks and save money